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Combining Cancer52 members with NCRI partners to provide a more complete picture of research spend in rare and less common cancers only.

Research spend by NCRI cancer group combined and separately for Cancer52 members

Analysis on combined spend by cancer group shows Blood cancer research receives the most funding representing 30.1% of the total spend in rare and less common cancers. This is followed by Gastrointestinal which accounted for 25.4%. Brain and nervous system represent 16.0%, Gynaecological cancers at 9.4% and other cancer sites not included in cancer group accounts for 8.3%. Finally Head and neck and Urological represents 5.6% and 5.2%, respectively.

Proportion of Cancer52 research spend by NCRI cancer group

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Combined research spend by NCRI cancer group

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Combined spend of each rare and less common cancer type

The graph below shows the cancer spend by order of NCRI cancer group:

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Analysis also breaks down each cancer group by CSO research areas segmented by Cancer52 members and All (Cancer52 members and NCRI partners combined). The analysis indicates both categories show similar funding where the majority of research is funded towards Treatment, apart from Urological where both categories show high investment towards Early detection, Diagnosis, and Prognosis.

The table below shows the research spend on rare and less common cancers only, grouped by NCRI cancer groups to show trends in research (CSO) area. Cancer52 members only is shown in the last column.

Research spend by NCRI cancer group and research area

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Individual rare and less common cancer type spend

The table below show the full breakdown of combined spend of each individual rare and less common cancer type within their NCRI cancer grouping.

NCRI GroupingRare & less common cancer typesCombined spend
BloodHodgkin’s Disease£2,268,056
BloodNon-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma£6,976,698
Brain and Nervous SystemBrain Tumour£24,508,819
Brain and Nervous SystemEye Cancer£536,559
Brain and Nervous SystemNervous System£856,669
Brain and Nervous SystemNeuroblastoma£2,386,777
Brain and Nervous SystemPituitary Tumour£298,410
Brain and Nervous SystemPrimary CNS Lymphoma£150,208
Brain and Nervous SystemRetinoblastoma£63,844
GastrointestinalAnal Cancer£971,618
GastrointestinalGallbladder Cancer£189,309
GastrointestinalLiver Cancer£8,059,518
GastrointestinalOesophageal Cancer£13,773,480
GastrointestinalPancreatic Cancer£21,207,770
GastrointestinalSmall Intestine Cancer£110,390
GastrointestinalStomach Cancer£1,301,612
GynaecologicalCervical Cancer£3,838,369
GynaecologicalEndometrial Cancer£1,568,273
GynaecologicalOvarian Cancer£11,115,125
GynaecologicalVaginal Cancer£155,213
GynaecologicalVulva Cancer£204,001
Head and NeckLaryngeal Cancer£1,849,077
Head and NeckNasal Cavity & Paranasal Sinus Cancer£96,761
Head and NeckOral Cavity and Lip Cancer£2,768,404
Head and NeckParathyroid Cancer£73,790
Head and NeckPharyngeal Cancer£3,815,898
Head and NeckSalivary Gland Cancer£365,464
Head and NeckThyroid Cancer£1,045,100
UrologicalBladder Cancer£3,271,808.94
UrologicalKidney Cancer£5,933,432
UrologicalWilm’s Tumour£175,868
OtherAdrenocortical Cancer£94,297
OtherBone Cancer£674,093
OtherKaposi’s Sarcoma£299,800
OtherPenile Cancer£347,343
OtherPrimary of Unknown Origin£52,335
OtherSkin Cancer£1,486,439
OtherTesticular Cancer£523,988
OtherThymoma, Malignant£18,951

Analysis in context

Analysis by NCRI grouping shows Blood cancers, Brain and CNS, and Gastrointestinal cancers have the greatest research spend. Cancer52 member spend shows similar patterns to the greater NCRI partner spend.

The high funding for these cancers may be because Blood cancers and Brain and CNS include leukaemia, brain, other CNS and intracranial tumours, and lymphomas, which are the most common childhood cancers. Statistics show that together these cancers account for around two-thirds of all cancers diagnosed in UK children (1997-2016).5 The Gastrointestinal group includes cancers like pancreatic and oesophageal, which have some of the highest mortality rates of rare and less common cancers.6

In addition Brain, Oesophagus and Pancreas have been identified by Cancer Research UK as ‘cancers of unmet need’ so have attracted greater investment in this period.


  1. Children’s cancer incidence. Cancer Research UK. Accessed March 2023. Available:
  2. Cancer mortality for common cancers. Cancer Research UK. Last reviewed: 31 May 2022. Accessed February 2023. Available: