Cellular Pathology Departments act as a custodians of patient tissue samples held within diagnostic archives for NHS Trusts. Access, storage and archiving, must therefore be compliant with current good practice and legislative requirements.…
CM-Path SOP for Fresh Tissue Sampling (Word document)
'Molecular testing will become routine for many if not all pathology specimens in the future, as further genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic changes present in disease can be harnessed for prognostication, therapeutic decision making, family screening, and prevention strategies. Accurate molecular testing is predicated upon well sampled, handled and preserved tissues, preferably fresh frozen. It is vital that fresh tissue sampling does not compromise the histological diagnosis and staging.…
CM-Path Recommendations for Molecular Testing and Research (Word document)
'The practice of molecular testing on pathological tissue samples is growing exponentially, but needs to be generalisable. The first step in this process is reducing variation introduced by processing of tissue from patient to Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) or Fresh Frozen (FF) sample. Low concordance rates of, for example, IHC are in part be due to variations in fixation media, time in fixation, processing protocols, and storage methods.…