Janette Rawlinson is a consumer member of NCRI’s lung cancer advanced disease sub-group and Consumer Forum, steering committee member of…
Working with patients and carers to answer questions in a rare cancer
'Upper tract urothelial cancer is a rare type of cancer that starts in the lining of the urinary tract and…
Trials & tribulations in oesophageal cancer
'Christopher M. Jones & Tom Crosby, on behalf of the National Cancer Research Institute Upper Gastrointestinal Oesophagogastric Subgroup We have a…
Interview with Emma Kinloch, NCRI Consumer Lead
'Emma Kinloch is due to start her new role as NCRI Consumer Lead on 1 April 2019. In this 60-second…
Appointment of new NCRI Consumer Lead
'We are pleased to announce that Emma Kinloch has been appointed as NCRI Consumer Lead, effective from 1 April 2019.…
A ‘Dragon’s Den’ workshop to improve research through Consumer involvement
'Involving patients, improving research The NCRI involves people affected by cancer across the breadth of its activities. With the right…
Interview with Lesley Stephens, a Consumer volunteer
'We involve patients, carers and others affected by cancer across our work – we call them Consumers. At any one time,…
Involving people affected by cancer in research
'Involving patients, improving research Bringing together people affected by cancer and researchers can greatly improve the quality of research and…
NCRI Consumers win Best Patient/Carer poster at conference
'A poster developed by our Consumer Forum (our network of people affected by cancer) won ‘Best patient/carer poster’ at the recent Cancer…
Interview with Vee Mapunde, Associate Consumer Lead
'Vee Mapunde is Associate Consumer Lead at the NCRI. In our latest 60 second interview, Vee tells us about her role at the NCRI, and how consumer involvement adds value.…
CM-Path Consumer Spends a Day in the Glasgow Diagnostic Pathology Lab
'CM-Path members Dr Jane Hair (Discovery Workstream), Dr Hayley Morris (Skills and Capacity Workstream Trainee), Dr Tomoko Iwata (Skills and…
Appointment of the NCRI Consumer Lead and Associate Consumer Lead
'We’re pleased to announce that Richard Stephens and Vee Mapunde have been appointed as NCRI Consumer Lead and Associate Consumer…