Twenty-six new research projects aimed at preventing cancer, diabetes and heart disease are announced by the National Prevention Research Initiative…
NCRI informatics initiative wins Times Higher award
The National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Informatics Initiative has triumphed as the Times Higher Research Project of the Year 2005.…
£35 million funding boost for experimental cancer medicine
Cancer Research UK has teamed up with the Departments of Health in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales to develop…
New network to boost radiotherapy research in the UK
A new network to help modernise radiotherapy research throughout the UK is being launched today which will bring a host…
New online tool will aid in cancer research collaboration and planning
Cancer researchers around the world now have a powerful new tool at their fingertips that provides instant access to information…
NCRI announces new National Cancer Tissue Resource
The creation of a national system to collect and analyse cancerous tissue through a virtual UK “tumour bank” will provide…
New cancer computing cooperation will aid research into future treatments
Plans to co-ordinate the use of cancer research computers across the UK will create a huge new database to help…