NCRI is working in partnership with the British Society for Immunology (BSI) to bring the immunology and cancer research communities together. The partnership aims to drive collaborations and address challenges in cancer immunology and immunotherapy through a series of joint initiatives.

A key driver of this work is the BSI-NCRI Cancer Immunology Group. The group consists of academic and clinical researchers, patient representatives from the NCRI Advocate Forum and industry representatives from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Cancer Project Group.

NCRI and the BSI have established four key objectives to guide their work in cancer immunology with the aim of advancing understanding and accelerating research in the area.

Key objectives:

  • Facilitate the interaction of immunologists with cancer researchers and clinicians
  • Foster research on immune-related adverse events (IrAEs)
  • Improve the basic understanding of immunology
  • Unify researchers, clinicians, funders, industry and government on areas related to cancer

Through the establishment of this group and the increased communication between the two communities resulting from the joint activities of the NCRI and the BSI, we have created a forum for the exchange of ideas and for scientific interactions that may lay the foundation for impactful future collaborations.

This collaboration will facilitate quality research in cancer immunology, enhance cancer immunotherapies, improve the management of treatment-related toxicities, and ultimately ensure better patient outcomes. By providing a link between NCRI Partners, cancer researchers and the wider community with the excellent work of the BSI and their large network of immunologists, we can drive collaborations and address challenges in cancer immunology and immunotherapy.