Advocates can be involved with the work of NCRI by being a advocate member of an NCRI Group.
All advocates involved with NCRI’s work are members of the NCRI Advocate Forum, as well as advocates who are past members of NCRI Groups. The forum aims to foster a vibrant and collaborative community to work with NCRI as partners in cancer research; offering space for mutual learning and exchanging knowledge and expertise in a coordinated way as well as providing a space for peer support.
What to expect as an NCRI Group member?
As a member of an NCRI Group, advocates are required to contribute to group activities by regularly attending and actively participating in meetings. Each group meets an average of two to three times per year with additional email and video correspondence outside of these meetings.
A crucial role of the advocates is to assist the NCRI Group in understanding the perspectives of patients, carers and the public where relevant to the work of the group. A more detailed list of roles and responsibilities can be found in the role profile.
The usual term of office for an NCRI Group member is three years, with the possibility of a two-year extension in agreement with the NCRI Group chair. Travel and other reasonable out of pocket expenses are reimbursed and members may claim an attendance fee for agreed meetings.
Each NCRI Group has a coordinator responsible for coordinating and supporting the running of the NCRI Groups.
What to expect as a member of the NCRI Advocate Forum?
All advocates who are members of NCRI Groups also become members of the NCRI Advocate Forum, which brings all the advocates involved with the work of NCRI together.
The NCRI Advocate Forum is led by Emma Kinloch and meets three times a year to provide mutual learning opportunities and exchange knowledge as well as offer peer support for advocates in their roles as members of NCRI Groups. Between meetings, the NCRI Advocate Forum members can share learnings and resources via a lively email discussion group.
The NCRI Forum Programme Manager supports the NCRI Advocate Forum and is responsible for coordinating and supporting the running of the NCRI Advocate Forum.