Congratulations to Dr Simon Mitchell, who is a member of the Science Subgroup of the NCRI Lymphoma Group, on being awarded a prestigious Future Leaders Fellowship.
Dr Simon Mitchell, Lecturer in Cancer Research at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, has been awarded £1.2 million by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The UKRI Future Leaders scheme invests in early career researchers and innovators with outstanding potential, helping them to develop their careers while tackling ambitious challenges.
Simon is a member of the Science Subgroup of the NCRI Lymphoma Group. This group brings together clinicians, scientists and patients, carers and others affected by cancer (also known as ‘consumers’), amongst many others, to coordinate the development of a strategic portfolio of research within the field of lymphoma. The group works closely with clinical research networks, funders and researchers to develop research to improve outcomes for lymphoma patients.
As a computational biologist, Simon offers a very distinctive insight and skill set to the Science Subgroup. He has recently returned from a fellowship at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and the group has provided an opportunity for Simon to connect and integrate into UK translational research. You can find out more about Simon, his research and his motivations for becoming involved with NCRI, in this interview.
Participation in the Science Subgroup of the NCRI Lymphoma Group allowed me to connect with collaborators from basic research through to the clinic, which is vitally important for my systems biology approach. I am grateful that my membership on the subgroup allowed me to demonstrate a growing research network and recognition within the field of lymphoma. I hope I can share what I learned in securing this award and can’t wait to help other early career researchers secure funding for exciting lymphoma research in the UK.
Dr Simon Mitchell