The NCRI are pleased to announce that Professor David Harrison has been appointed to the CM-Path Chair position as of 1st August 2019 after a competitive interview process.
David will be working with the CM-Path Executive Group and CM-Path members to deliver the vision and ambitious objectives of the programme over the next two years.
David Harrison MD, DSc, FRCPath, FRCPEd, FRCSEd graduated from the University of Edinburgh and trained as a histopathologist. Whilst clinically specialising in liver and kidney, his research interests are broader, coming under the general banner of systems biology and AI applied to pathology. He is currently Professor of Pathology in St Andrews, and Director of Development for Laboratory Medicine in NHS Lothian. David holds honorary chairs in Glasgow, Florida, Edinburgh, the last of these where he was Professor of Pathology for 12 years and Director of the Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre. Alongside his clinical and academic work, David is director in several small biotech companies, he chairs the UK Committee on Carcinogenicity and is Chairperson of a number of Charities. He is Director of iCAIRD (Industrial Centre for AI Research in Digital Diagnostics), a Scotland-wide consortium funded by Innovate UK.
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