Dr Clare Verill has been appointed as CM-Path Workstream 4 Lead. Clare is a urological pathology consultant, having achieved her CCT in 2008.  She works for Oxford University as Senior Lecturer in Pathology, but spends approximately 50% of her time working for the NHS. Her primary interests are testis and prostate and she is a member of the NCRI Teenagers and Young Adults and Testis Clinical Studies Group.  She has an academic group in Oxford, ”The Verrill Pathology Group” and they are focussing on digital pathology and image analysis in collaboration with individuals such as Jens Rittscher, Professor of Engineering Science in Oxford. She has been Lead for Molecular Pathology in Oxford Genomic Medicine Centre since 2014 and was part of the 100,000 Genomes pilot and now main programme. She is co-lead for the Testis GeCIP (Clinical Interpretation Partnership) as part of the 100,000 Genomes Project.  She set up the Oxford digital pathology academic forums and working groups, which have been very successful.  She is a lead pathologist for a number of multisite clinical trials, including “PART – Partial Prostate Ablation Versus Radical Prostatectomy in Intermediate Risk Unilateral Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer” (PI Freddie Hamdy).  She has been HTA-DI for the Oxford University research licence since 2015.

To find out more about Clare, read her 60 second interview.