The NCRI Bladder & Renal Group has published strategic priorities in bladder and renal research to address challenges and improve patient outcomes.

The group has identified the following priorities on which it will focus its efforts over the next three years:

  • Early detection and precision prevention with a view to early intervention in urothelial cancer
  • Pre-operative systemic treatment study for kidney cancer
  • Risk-adapted follow-up in early stage cancers of the bladder and kidney
  • Radiotherapy trial in bladder cancer
  • Screening options for patients with small renal masses to inform risk stratification and treatment selection
  • Workshop to develop our approach in advanced cancers of the kidneys and bladder building on the work of the group to date

See here for full details:

NCRI Bladder & Renal Group strategic priorities

To identify the priorities in bladder and renal cancer research, NCRI facilitated discussions between experts covering the overarching challenges, opportunities and gaps in bladder and renal research as well as specific issues and areas of unmet need in the field.

Bladder and renal cancers remain diseases of great unmet need, and the UK-NCRI group and its predecessors have been strong global players as we’ve strived to improve outcomes for our patients. Multidisciplinarity, broad outreach to people affected by cancer beyond the group’s immediate membership, and a strong emphasis on nurturing new investigators has underpinned much of our recent success. New ways of working now present the opportunity to broaden this reach further so that, collectively, we can identify and impact on areas where we can make a difference.

Professor Robert Jones, Chair of NCRI Bladder & Renal Group

Addressing the priorities in bladder and renal research

Working groups addressing the first 6 priorities are currently being formed. These groups will be made up of the experts needed to address each research question. To be the first to hear about opportunities to join these groups as a patient advocate, early career researcher or general member, please sign up below:

Join the NCRI Bladder & Renal Network


Apply to the position of Bladder & Renal Group leader, or Chair or Deputy Chair for each of the new Working Groups

Overall Bladder and Renal Group leadership: 

NCRI is looking for two leaders to work alongside our Bladder and Renal Group Chair Professor Robert Jones in the first instance.

We are looking to appoint an inspirational Chair who for the first year would act as Deputy Chair to Professor Robert Jones (until summer 2024).

We are also looking to appoint a Deputy Chair who for the first year of appointment would be “Deputy Chair in waiting”. The appointee would be involved in meetings immediately, and their official term would commence once the new Chair’s term commences in one year (summer 2024).

Bladder and Renal Working group leaders: 

NCRI is looking to appoint inspirational Chairs and Deputy Chairs for each of the six new working groups whose leadership, vision and energy will help drive outcomes for bladder and renal cancer patients.


Please see here for the vacancies (deadline 11:59pm on Sunday 28th May):

NCRI Bladder & Renal leadership vacancies