Through my own experiences as a trainee academic pathologist, I have become aware of the rich tissue resources stored within…
Read the CM-Path consensus statement on ‘What is the role of pathologists in the implementation of liquid biopsy technologies?’
'CM-Path Discovery workstream held ‘The Liquid Biopsy’ Symposium on March 8th 2018. Following the day members of CM-Path worked in…
The CM-Path Biobanking Sample Quality Improvement Tool is now live!
'We are excited to announce that the CM-Path Biobanking Sample Quality Improvement Tool is now available for download from our…
Digital pathology – time to get serious
'Dr Bethany Williams – Digital Pathology Fellow, Lead for Clinical Training and Validation, Leeds Digital Pathology Project, Leeds Teaching Hospitals…
Pathology risks being left behind as conceptual and technological advances accelerate
'Pathology risks being left behind as conceptual and technological advances accelerate Back in 2007 a diagnostic biopsy from a patient…
NCRI CM-Path researchers have written a BMJ blog
'Researchers from our CM-Path initiative have written a blog post for the British Medical Journal (BMJ) website, following CM-Path’s call…
Training evolution in Pathology needed to deliver precision medicine in new genomics era
'The future delivery of precision medicine is at risk unless pathology training programmes evolve to embrace genomics, warn UK researchers,…
CM-Path October 2017 Update
'The CM-Path Executive Group has approved a new role within CM-Path, the Deputy Chairperson. The Deputy Chairperson will work closely…
How has Genomics Impacted Academic and Diagnostic Pathology?
'On July 21st 2017, Workstream 1 of CM-Path organised a workshop to discuss the impact of genomics in academic and…
CM-Path Hosts Genomic Education Day with Health Education England LaSE School of Pathology
'On July 20th 2017, Dr Richard Haspel from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, United States, delivered the Training Residents…
CM-Path Trainees Present Survey Data at PathSoc Belfast 2017
'CM-Path Trainee Histopathologists Dr Scarlet Brockmoeller and Dr Caroline Young (both of University of Leeds) delivered a plenary presentation at…
Dr Clare Verrill is Appointed as CM-Path Workstream 4 Lead
'Dr Clare Verill has been appointed as CM-Path Workstream 4 Lead. Clare is a urological pathology consultant, having achieved her…